Plastic pollution plagues the world, lacking a sustainable and practical solution. Current solutions such as recycling and incineration can be effective. However, they often pose problems that either threaten the environment’s health or are generally inefficient. This project aims to develop an efficient way to degrade polyethylene terephthalate (PET), one of the most common single-use thermoplastic polymers. We propose using Comamonas testosteroni as a chassis for genes from Ideonella sakaiensis to produce a bacteria with enhanced ability to degrade plastics. The design aims to utilize C. testosteroni’s ability to target and break down benzene rings that hold PET together, which will be aided by enzymes PETase and MHETase, which I. sakaiensis produces. These enzymes, which help in plastic degradation, leave monomers that pose no environmental harm. Since C. testosteroni can be grown in standard laboratory conditions, we propose PETase and MHETase genes from I. sakaiensis be transformed into chassis C. testosteroni. The development of a new, more efficient, plastic degrading microbe can be helpful in creating a new waste management process for PET and can positively impact the environment and the world humans inhabit.

PolyWreck – Degrading Polymers by Inserting Enzymes
Western Reserve Academy
Hudson, OH
BioBuilderClub Season
2023-2024 Season
BBC LT_ PolyWreck_ Western Reserve Academy_2024
BBC Poster_PolyWreck_Western Reserve Academy_2024